From 3rd to 4th November, 2015 Ultrafast Laser Micrfabrication Conference (2015超快激光微加工学术研讨会) was held in Xi’an. Invited by Prof. Jin-Hai Si and Prof. Feng Chen form College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Prof. Hong-Bo Sun, Prof Qi-Dai Chen, Dr. Yong-Lai Zhang, Dr. Lei Wang and Yun-Lu Sun took part in the conference. Then, Prof Hong-Bo Sun also joined the Information Photonics Technology Conference (信息光子技术学术研讨会) which was held form 5th to 7th November 2015 in Xi’an. He also gave a invited keynote report titled: Laser Micro/nanofabrication: from Basic Research to The National Defense Application (激光微纳加工:从基础研究到国防应用). They also took photos with Academician Xun Hou who is famous for his outstanding achievement on Transient Optics in Semiconductors.